Collective Healing at the July MAGTANGGOL Workers Meeting

DAMAYAN MIGRANTS | July 11, 2018

On July 8th and 9th, Damayan held a Magtannggol Workers Meeting to discuss immigration rights and realities, share case updates, and share our experiences under the current climate of immigration to build collective power. The meeting used one-on-one peer counseling for social change and explored tools and strategies that we can use to heal ourselves and repair our communities. 

The current climate of immigration enforcement and racist anti-im/migrant sentiment has impacted our communities greatly, with both undocumented and documented im/migrants experiencing heightened fear, anxiety and stress. In addition to learning our immigration rights and responsibilities, a critical part of standing up and fighting back is ensuring the well-being of ourselves and our communities. 

Thanks to DRUM - Desis Rising Up & Moving for hosting us!