Damayan Continues to Provide Free Legal Clinic
Worker Leader, Fei presenting a video about workers’ rights
On Saturday, August 5th, Damayan provided our regular free Legal Clinic at The People’s Forum! Damayan members and migrant workers received free labor and immigration consultations with pro bono attorneys. Guest attorneys and Damayan allies from the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) and Eisner Dictor & Lamadrid, P.C. Attorneys at Law provided these legal services.
Before the consultations, Fei, Damayan Worker Leader, screened the Damayan Orientation video, as well as presented an Immigrant Rights Workshop to attendees. Then, Lydia, Damayan Case Manager, led the Damayan Case Management System and Workflow Orientation, ensuring transparency about how the workers can approach their current or prospective labor and immigration cases and questions to the attorneys. Through our free Legal Clinic, Damayan facilitates accessibility to justice and thus empowering our members to seek assistance and guidance from the pro bono attorneys.
Damayan is proud to host our regular and free Legal Clinics, as we empower our members to fight for their labor and immigration rights.
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