Damayan Migrant Workers Announces New Executive Director

For Immediate Release

Contact: Niña Cabardo, media@damayanmigrants.org, 929-390-1152

NEW YORK, NY - Last weekend, Damayan Migrant Workers Association officially introduced its new  Executive Director (ED), Riya Ortiz, at the Damayan 20th anniversary and Annual Holiday Party and Fundraiser at The People’s Forum, Manhattan. Ortiz has been a long-time organizer and case manager with Damayan for many years, and served as the Director of Programs when she applied for the ED position this fall. As a daughter of a domestic worker who was forced to migrate to the US to provide for their family, Ortiz has experienced the painful impact of family separation and forced migration. “My family’s experience on forced migration and years of organizing and activism convinced me to embrace the mission and vision of Damayan”, Ortiz expressed.

Co-founder and outgoing Executive Director Linda Oalican is set to transition out in the first quarter of next year, after two decades of providing critical services, educating, organizing, and mobilizing Filipino migrant workers in New York and New Jersey. With her leadership, Damayan is now a sustainable workers-based and workers-led organization and a sanctuary for Filipino migrant workers, especially for labor trafficking survivors and their families. Damayan has also become a leading Filipino grassroots organization in the fight against labor trafficking and modern day slavery and in building the domestic workers movement in New York.

The ED transition is a culmination of a thoroughly-executed open application and candidate selection process led by the Damayan Succession Planning Committee composed of Board members and key staff. Through the funding support of the New York Foundation, the executive transition received guidance and support from its consultant, Community Resource Exchange (CRE), to ensure that the transition process is with transparency and integrity.

Demonstrating their approval of the new ED and growing support for Damayan, members, supporters, and allies donated generously enabling Damayan to exceed its fundraising goal of $20,000! This support will go a long way for the community. Donations are still welcome, and we can keep the momentum going. Donation link is open until December 25. To donate: www.damayanmigrants.org/HolidayParty

Damayan, together with the community, are looking forward to this new milestone of leadership within the organization.